To anyone who has any doubts concerning homeopathy,
Dear Ellen,
First, I would like to thank you for all your help and knowledge! I can’t thank you enough!
Second, to anyone who has any doubts concerning homeopathy, you’re not alone. For many years I tried/was given various homeopathic remedies for my myriad of health problems. I never noticed much difference with taking these homeopathies – and the little difference I did notice was difficult to discern — was the remedy working, or was it all in my head? After several years, my final opinion of homeopathy was that it was kind of silly and not very effective.
To give a snip-it of my background, I grew up as a very healthy kid, of course, getting the regular vaccinations, and such. I was rarely sick, but would occasionally get ear infections or various colds.
When I-was 19, I developed a hiatal hernia, and my health took a nosedive. For the past 15 years, I have been struggling to regain my health; 8 of those years were extremely difficult. I dropped from 130 lbs. to 98 lbs. and had horrible digestive problems and numerous other health problems. Eventually, I learned how to drastically change my lifestyle and diet, which helped incredibly. After reading and following the Body Ecology Diet, I was able to live a somewhat normal life, although I still struggled greatly with my digestion and had to live on a very strict diet.
It wasn’t until I met Ellen that my opinion of homeopathy took a turn. In a matter of 2 days – after taking 1 tiny pellet of a recommend remedy – my stomach was nearly back to normal – as I remembered it acting 15 years ago! I’m still shocked at the speed and the degree of healing that took place within my system. It’s truly stunning! As time goes on, and Ellen recommends homeopathic remedies to help get to the core problems that started so long ago, I am seeing improvements in stress reactions, circulation, and my digestive system (live, gallbladder, etc . ).
I am now a firm believer in homeopathy, and am telling my friends and family about Ellen.
Thank you so much!
Sincerely and God bless,