Thank You for literally saving my 25 year old Arab’s life!
Dear Ms. Bench :
I wanted to take this opportunity to Thank You for literally saving my 25 year old Arab’s life. In August of this year my vet had to pull a bad tooth of hers .At the time he did not think that she needed to be put on any antibiotics and it appeared at the time that she was going to be just fine. However, on week later she had a raging temperature, and was not eating or drinking . . . He immediately started her on a 2 week course of Sulpha and Bute.
It didn’t work. All in all she was on sulpha for a total of 6 weeks. During this time she lost about 150 pounds, and her mane and· tail fell out.
About four weeks into this ordeal I noticed several huge edema’s under her belly. The vet came back out, took blood, ran tests, and the bottom line was that the infection from her tooth had traveled to her Liver and now her liver was failing. I was told that there was nothing more that they could do and that she was probably going to die.
I found a small article in the paper about some classes that you were giving and contacted you. You prescribed two TINY little pills twice a day for 2 weeks. I must tell you that I was very skeptical that this was going to work, but at this point I was willing to try anything. Within ONE week her edemas were half there size and within 2 weeks they were completely GONE.
You then prescribed another tiny pill that was to restore the damage to her liver and that worked as well. As of the above date, she has re-gained all her weight, her mane and tail are growing back and she is once again my feisty, happy, healthy old lady.
Thank you so much for helping us when we thought that there was no help.
Cathee WS