I found you to be consistently passionate in your commitment…
We first became acquainted when you began counseling my wife regarding persistent post-menopausal problems. I was so favorably impressed by your straight forward and clear introduction to homeopathy, and by the good results my wife was experiencing that I also made a consultation appointment with you. Inspired by this renewal of my interest in homeopathy, I began doing some in depth reading on the subject and soon found myself wanting to learn much more.
In addition to learning from you during my consultation sessions as a patient, I enrolled in your one-day introductory class, your veterinary homeopathy class, and finally, in your 50-hour theory class. The combination of my own readings and your continuing mentoring has been a very powerful learning experience. I think you helped me learn in at least three important ways. First, your instruction was always packed with information, ranging from very elementary points to very advanced concepts, depending on the kinds of questions students asked. Second, in our many one-on-one conversations, you coached me on such things as case taking, remedy selection, dosage and related homeopathic theory. And third, since starting my formal academic program and participating in my first homeopathy seminar, I realize how well the breadth of topics you have introduced me to, and the depth of understanding you helped me reach, have prepared me to receive continuing and more advanced learning.
For example, such concepts as miasms and Sankaran’s vital sensations are not even covered until year two and beyond of my training program. Yet, largely because of your mentoring and the readings to which you directed me, I felt comfortable participating in discussion of these topics in a recent three-day seminar that included mostly experienced practitioners, including licensed NDs and MDs. I still have much to learn about the basics, but your mentoring has prepared me to absorb new material much more quickly than would otherwise have been the case.
I have found you to be consistently passionate in your commitment to resolving patient cases, and to sharing your knowledge with others. In stark contrast to most allopathic medical practitioners, you take the time to hear and understand the patient’s symptoms, to explain your recommended treatment, and to follow up for as long and as often as necessary to assure that true healing is underway. And this same tenacious follow up is true of your teaching. You make yourself readily available for questions, consultation and advice; such as you did when I was trying to decide which homeopathy school was the best match for my needs. Your input played an important role in my decision and I have been very happy with that choice.
I continue to refer patients to you and I highly recommend that one who is interested in studying homeopathy, whether on a casual basis or as a serious student, enroll in your classes and seek your counsel on how best to advance their learning.
Charles W. Sperry, Ph.D.
Consulting on Organizational and Group Dynamics