Clinical Homeopathic College Programs

Ellen teaching a class on animal remedies.These classes are unique in facilitating practitioners and those who want to make a career of providing homeopathic services for new practices or adding homeopathy to an existing practice. The courses are structured to teach how to perceive the essence of the client’s case and to learn the themes and essences of the remedies, consistent with Dr. Hahneman’s organon with the influence of the most modern teachings of Rajan Sankaran, Jan Scholten, and other masters of modern classical homeopathy. You will be witness to the live cases and discussion from Ellen’s successful practice, versus paper cases or reading text.

Animal Kingdom Homeopathic Retreat View
Retreat 2013 Animal Kingdom

These courses are practical and useful. The techniques are presented by using live cases and movies to understand what it is in a case that needs healing instead of laboriously chasing symptoms. Your skills will be enhanced with monthly personal tutorials with Ellen, available in this program, along with a tutorial staff. Ellen’s passion for homeopathy is successfully empowering her students.

In June, Ellen sponsors an annual retreat which you are encouraged to attend, expanding on the kingdoms format, for two-and-a-half days in a pampered Montana venue.


Study from home! Classes are live classes and cases recorded for study on your own time, at your own pace.

Diploma (1 year) and Certificates (2 and 3 years) rewarded for completion.

Continuing Education Credits available.

A payment plan is available.

Sign Up Today! – Call 406-777-5875

Ready to Take it To the Next Level?

Homeopathic College ClassesThe Clinical Homeopathic College programs are designed to empower those new to the study of homeopathy, lay prescribers, and practitioners of many levels of competency who have a theoretical understanding of homeopathy but struggle trying to apply these principals to live case taking. This class is the facilitator of good foundational training that needs to be applied in a practical and useful way to promote a healthy effective practice of homeopathic services.

Many recognized programs provide outstanding theory but lack clinical application of these principals. These courses specialize in the reality of real people with real problems who are seeking homeopathic solutions at our doors.

Support for you as a practitioner seeking and understanding the keys or themes of the case taking process, and then finding the indicated remedy. Complicated issues that follow — including what potency, what dose, how to access and manage the next 3 appointments — are covered. We take live cases, no paper cases! We discuss real issues like sexual abuse, autoimmune malfunctions, and stress management, which results in disease prevention and a higher quality of life for our clients.

Join us for 11 classes a year for the 1 and 2 year programs.

Our programs include guest speakers, tutorial support and technical staff.

Increasing your effectiveness as a practitioner is more rewarding for you and increases your referral base contributing to more success.

Sign Up Today! – Call 406-777-5875