I began to have wellness I had never known!
Ellen came into my life in the summer of 1999. I had a lifetime of illness beginning in early childhood. I followed western medicine taking drug after drug, having surgery after surgery as most Americans do. In 1993 I became critically ill and after many prescriptions, losing 55 pounds, not being able to digest anything but fruits and vegetables, and living in terrible pain; the medical doctors told me there was nothing wrong with me. Luckily, I was led to an herbalist who started the process of cleansing and healing which greatly changed my life.
A couple of years later after a root canal, I suddenly developed elevated blood pressure which spiked quite high and nothing I tried seemed to lower it. Then I met Ellen. She had my blood pressure under control in a few days. This got my attention, so I began working with her and within the next year we unraveled much of my saga of miasms, illnesses, and prescription drugs. Gradually, I began to have wellness I had never known! Not only did I physically feel much stronger and wasn’t prone to all the viruses that came near, but my mental outlook changed. I was a much happier person.
Homeopathy is so amazing! We in the states have not been exposed to homeopathy and what it can do. Many countries of the world have used homeopathy as part of their healing arts for over a hundred years. We need to spread the word in this country. I feel homeopathy can deal with many of our modem diseases and mutating organisms much more successfully than allopathic medicine which uses basically drugs and surgery.
Ellen is an amazing practitioner! She is bright, intuitive, straightforward and very talented in her art. Being a homeopath is an art as well as a science. One must be dedicated to homeopathy and well trained to really be a good practitioner. Ellen is dedicated and very knowledgeable. Often homeopathy is used by various practitioners as an acute, which is good and quite simple to learn, but to practice classical homeopathy and work with chronic disease is a much more complicated and sensitive matter.
Respectfully submitted,
L Peterson