I would like to include Homeopathy in my practice.
I would like to include Homeopathy in my practice.
I would like to include Homeopathy in my practice.
I’m coming back to life! I am so happy – like there is hope! I felt like I was losing my soul and that there was no way to return. I felt like I was dying. I had a serious iron deficiency – at one point my body wasn’t producing any blood. I couldn’t work,…
The Homeopathy course was very instructive. She is so open to covering what the class wants, has more knowledge than I could possibly ever absorb, motivating, supportive, it was an awesome experience. EL Mythotherapy College
I feel freer and happier than I have in a long time. My constant stomach aches went away almost instantly. The big thing was the PMS. I felt small tremors two mornings, but I took the remedy and by noon, the feelings of PMS had gone away. For the first time, I truly feel content,…
He took (his remedy) for 10 days. He said the seizures are better. He doesn’t have them every day now. They are less intense and shorter in length. Kathy
After studying homeopathy with you and now with the British Institute I feel very humble. There is so much to learn and understand. You are a master of the art of homeopathy. L Peterson
The experience I had earning my diploma from Ellen Bench’s Clinical Homeopathic College was undeniably excellent. Ellen combines her extensive knowledge of remedies and case taking in a way that allows the student to enhance their skills. She combines a thorough presentation of Hahnemann, Vithoulkas, Sankaran and Scholten in order to deepen the knowledge base…