Disease Prevention Family III Class MP4 Video/MP3 Audio


This fun, intermediate class introduces you to 14 of Homeopath Ellen’s Turbo® tonics/remedy combos.  Class comes in a two-disk DVD set.

When purchasing the Digital MP4 (Video*) or MP3 (Audio), the class file and class PDF packet will be available for download once payment is made.

You MUST DOWNLOAD the MP4 video to your device.

Recorded Live. | Runtime: 216 Minutes


Why does one child gets coughs, another has stomach problems, and father gets sinus? This empowering class will help you identify the organ vulnerabilities of each family member and learn how to use tonics to build, fortify, and protect the organs to minimize disease.

*Please note that the MP4 video is broken up into 2 parts. Both video files are large. You can always access them to download later by logging into your account.

You MUST DOWNLOAD the MP4 video to your device because you cannot stream it from this website.

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Class Option

MP4 Video Download, MP3 Audio Download