College Kit


12 custom Homeopath Ellen’s Turbo® remedies selected for stresses of college life. This includes alternative vaccine for Meningitis, fatigue due to over study, test anxiety, homesickness, Injury Combo, Bug Bites and more. Minimizes common problems from over-work, partying and more.


This kit comes in a wallet case and contents include:

Arsenicum 30c

Sick like you’ve been poisoned, food poisoning, or substance. Restless, fear that you are so sick that you could die! Vomiting, burning and diarrhea. Illness with fear of being left alone. Waking as 12-1 am. Feeling ill. Any burning throat sinus main (Consider for anxiety over money. Should improve sleep.)

Turbo® Bug Bite Combo

Pain, inflammation, stinging, redness of an insect bite. Use like Benadryl for hives, allergic reactions in throat, swelling and itching. Call 911 if emergency.

Carcinosum 30c

A great remedy for feeling sick, like the flu, mono, or symptoms like chronic fatigue due to overwork; symptoms often occur at the end of the quarter. Take 1 pellet 3 times before bed, then1 a day for 3 days. This should bring your energy back.

Turbo® Homesick Combo

Use as needed for homesickness.

Turbo® Influenzium 200c

Homeopathic flu protection. Take 1 pellet for prevention, then 1 as needed if exposed to the flu as a booster. Other remedies are indicated if you become sick with the flu.

Turbo® Injury Combo

Best remedy to heal and stop pain following any injury: car accident, head injury, fingers in the car door, broken bones, slip & fall, etc. Take 1 dose every 5 minutes 3 times in a row. Then every 15 minutes 3 times, then as needed for 3-7 days or more to finish healing.

Ipecacuanha 30c

Relief for stomach flu or nausea not improved by vomiting. Even water makes you wretch. Relief from dry heaves. (Yes, including hangovers.)

Kali Phos 30c

Loss of sleep due to studying, depression, sadness, or feeling overwhelmed; exhaustion. Consider Carc if this remedy fails.

Medorrhinum 30c

A valuable remedy for test anxiety when you realize you’re not as smart as you thought you were. This improves your confidence.

Meningitis 200c

Homeopathic Meningitis protection. Take 1 pellet. If an outbreak occurs at school, or if you think you have been exposed, take another pellet as a booster. Also helpful for a headache with a stiff neck, or as if a flu.

Nux Vomica 30c

Illness from dietary errors…too spicy, too rich, too much food. Too much partying, drinking, lack of sleep. Any condition that feels like a hang-over – including the Flu! Great for too much caffeine. Use for sick from vaccines or chemicals, if feel as if hung over. Including cranky and irritable from over work.

Tabacum 30c

Nausea and vomiting with dizziness, spinning, motion sickness. Best remedy for sea and motion sickness. Feels green as if you just got off a rough ride at the fair.