Homeopathy 1 Course Outline
This exciting homeopathic class includes a binder of reusable materials for continuous reference. All levels of experience will be stimulated by this class focusing on useful tools to use in your practice or for your family. We will learn the top 50 remedies for common complaints, eliminating the need for antibiotics, steroids treatments and First Aid for hundreds of commonly occurring situations. (Sciatica, bug bites, concussions, speedy healing of serious injuries, preventing surgical side effects, flu, headaches and more. You will be exposed to the huge empowerment of the fastest growing modality offering fast results, no side effects, FDA-approved remedies, and a long history of effectiveness.
Texts recommended:
Homeopathic Emergency Guide by Kruzel,
Every Day Miracles by Linda Johnston MD.
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Two-day Homeopathic Seminar
Day 1
- Introductions
- Students requested to share expectations and level of exposure to homeopathy. Emphasis on presenting the course information in a form.at and content that validates the students’ interests integrated with the required materials.
- Instructor experience, course contents and review of course expectations.
- Purpose and Uses of Homeopathies in the Massage Therapy Practice.
- Compatibility with other therapies
- Facilitation of healing for your client
- Forms to share with clients.
- What makes homeopathy Unique?
- History and Hahnemann
- Herrings Law
- Proovings
- Symptom pictures
- Remedy pictures
- Learning the top 50 remedies
- First aid indications
- Remedy key notes
- Repetition
- Common uses
- Special applications
Day 2
- Question and Answer Period
- Review
- Discussion about remedies
- Recommended reading
- Massage dilemmas resolved:
- First aid indications
- Remedy key notes
- Repetition
- Common uses
- Special applications
- Using guides and books as tools
- Tools of observation
- Listening Skills
- Presentations of Acute and Chronic Disorders and Diseases
- Introduction to Miasms
- Disease history and current manifestations
- Herrings Law in review (order of cure)
- Suppressions (cover or stuff and the consequences)
- Empowerment using Homeopathic Remedies
- Pharmacy
- Potency
- Application in acute ailments
- Application in chronic ailments
- Homeopathic Potentials in Massage and Beyond
- Using remedies for ailments in massage oils, creams and Bach remedies
- Video clips of remedy pictures introduction to Homeopathy Two
- Quiz open book in class.
- Questions and Discussion