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Homeopathic Empowerment
Advanced Learning/College Classes Website
Online Webinars w/ Live Q + A Links Homeopathy Classes Oct 11th-12TH, ‘24
FREE Introductory Class
The class will be followed by a question and answer session. Use the following link to join the Q/A.
Date: 11th October, 2024 (Friday)
Class Time: 6:00-9:00pm (Pacific Time)
Q & A Time: 7:30-8:30pm (Pacific Time)
Child Immunization Class
Why are our children getting adult diseases at young ages becoming sicker than ever before? Join us to learn about safe, effective options!
The class will be followed by a question and answer session. Use the following link to join the Q/A.
Date: 12th October, 2024 (Saturday)
Class Time: 9:00am-12:00pm (Pacific Time)
Q & A Time: 12:00-1:00pm (Pacific Time)
World Immunization Class
We will cover 20 world disease threats and their prevention, including W. Nile, Lymes, Cholera, Anthrax and new Smallpox & TB threats. We will also discuss the effects of vaccines and the options to minimize these effects. Homeopathic remedies are FDA regulated.
The class will be followed by a question and answer session. Use the following link to join the Q/A.
Date: 12th October, 2024 (Friday)
Class Time: 1:00-4:00pm (Pacific Time)
Q & A Time: 4:00-5:00pm (Pacific Time)
Food and Environmental Allergies
Learn what causes allergies, how to detoxify your body and build your immunity. We will discuss sources of toxins such as chlorine, fluoride, video games, cell phones, pesticides, fluorescent lights, aspartame, dairy, wheat and more.
The class will be followed by a question and answer session. Use the following link to join the Q/A.
Date: 12th October, 2024 (Friday)
Class Time: 5:00-7:00pm (Pacific Time)
Q & A Time: 7:00-8:00pm (Pacific Time)
Access our Progressive Classes via DVD and MP4 Videos or Audio CDs and MP3 Files!
Useful, Practical, and Safe to use. Learn how to build your medicine chest with kits and the classes to empower your family.
The Clinical Homeopathic College Program
is designed to empower new and existing practitioners of many levels of competency who have a theoretical understanding of homeopathy but struggle trying to apply these principals to live-case taking, not paper cases. The program includes tutorial support and technical staff. These classes are the facilitator for applying good foundational training in a practical and useful way to promote a healthy, effective practice of both classical and clinical homeopathic services. Many recognized programs provide outstanding theory but lack clinical application of these principals empowering good results.
These courses specialize in the reality of real clients, with real problems, who are seeking homeopathic solutions at our doors. We discuss real issues, like sexual abuse, autoimmune malfunctions, and stress management, which results in disease prevention and a higher quality of life for our clients. Understanding the keys or themes of the case, and then finding the indicated remedy which has the healing affinity for your client (Hahnemann’s Organon affirmation #3) is our priority. Complicated issues that follow, including what potency, what dose (repetition), and how to manage the follow-up appointments, are also covered. Increasing your effectiveness as a practitioner is more rewarding for you and increases your referral base, contributing to more success for your community.
TAKING APPLICATIONS NOW – Click to download Sign Up Today!
Our self-paced program is open for immediate enrollment. Work at your own pace. Receive one lesson per month.
Call Toll Free 1-855-777-5875
Ellen Fowler Bench, D. Hom., M.H.C. Master Homoepathic Clinician is now offering Clinical Homeopathic College Courses! Programs include 1, 2 and 3-year courses with clinical case work using applied theory and active case-taking with class-provided cases and/or your own clients with tutorials. Diploma (1 year) and Certificate (2 and 3 years) rewarded for completion. Continuing Education also available via webinars.
Resolutions for
Mother & Child Relationships
Go beyond theory to practical case-taking and clinical application of homeopathy!